All companies in the UAE will require a bank account to undertake any kind of business. Easily open a bank account in the UAE with the help of our dedicated team and meet all legal requirements of the local agencies. A list of documents are mandatory to be produced but it is a relatively straightforward procedure for UAE Mainland Companies.
Take advantage of the benefits of a company bank account
The UAE has gained a lot of economic and fiscal stability due to its robust and well-regulated banking network. The UAE banking industry is widely acknowledged for its uncompromising compliance with the highest standards of customer service and modern standards of banking requirements. Safe and transparent banking practices have drawn business people and others to open a bank account in the UAE for many years.
We will help you get your business up and running
From experience, we have seen that during the account duration in Dubai, bankers can ask additional questions or supporting documents to open the bank account. It is therefore very important for the applicants to be aware of any changes and updates to the rules. We provide you with advice on KYC criteria, before opening the bank account in Dubai and making it easy for applicants to register.
Benefits of a corporate bank account in the UAE:
Your account remains confidential
Safe and reliable banking services
Your account will require low upkeep costs
Online banking services will be provided
Easy withdrawal and deposit of money
From application to bank account opening, everything taken care of!